We are recruiting ...

Currently, our lab is growing and we welcome people from diverse backgrounds at all career levels–undergraduate, graduate, postdoc, etc. If you are interested in uncovering the mystery of brain computations by combing experimental, computational, and theoretical techniques, just contact [email protected] and let’s chat first…

Like most neuroscientists, we believe it is critical to gain a deep understanding of the brain computation principle. I don’t know what should ultimately be the right form or depth of understanding itself. But similar to other subjects, I believe Mathematics should be the right place to explore.

With that, we appreciate people from/with diverse backgrounds–more quantitative (Mathematics, Computer science, Physics, Electro-engineering…) or more experimental (Neuroscience, Life Science, Medical Sciences…)–joining us to tackle this hard problem of mankind. Based on my experience in both experimental and computational neuroscience, I believe people can learn anything (check here for my book recommendation). So, don’t worry that you don’t have specific computational or experimental backgrounds. Interest always matters the most…

In the lab, we are applying multiple techniques including but not limited to rodent behavior,human Psychophysics, large-scale Ehys recording, imaging, computational modeling, and mathematical analysis (check here for more information about our research). Hopefully, this setup would provide a versatility for you: either you are an experimentalist interested in computational modeling or a theorist interested in experiments or both.

Stay tuned as more program information is coming…

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